The Experience

What will you experience at the Summit on Stepfamily Ministry?

  • Connect with other leaders like yourself who, like you, desire to serve and equip blended families in their church and community.
  • Attend sessions where you will hear directly from leaders in the trenches of blended family ministry.     
  • Gain a clearer understanding of the complexity and struggles stepfamilies face. 
  • Learn how to incorporate ministry to blended families within the programs and ministries you ALREADY do. 
  • Learn which roles are represented within a stepfamily and how those roles should honor one another.
  • Acquire strategies to prepare stepcouples before marriage to help close the gap and lower the divorce rate amongst couples in blended families.
  • Collect invaluable knowledge, resources, and encouragement to help provide the tools needed to drive your ministry's growth. 


What Ministry Leaders are saying after attending the Summit:

"Realized I have pride keeping me from fully embracing blended families. Increased my compassion and resolve to help hurting families."

"Have been in the marriage field for 22+ years. This event has opened a door to possibly move toward "step" or blended marriages. Not just 1st time marriages."

“Encourages us to continue boldly on our mission to reach as many blended families as possible with the message of the gospel, hope and redemption.”

"We have experienced blended family issues first hand and experienced the layers of hurt and grieving. We have not had a ministry in place to help that but we have had the desire to get something going for a few years>  This Summit is confirmation that it is definitely needed and now we have the knowledge and resources to begin!"

"It clarified how I can help my church grow our blended ministry from the tiny thing it is now to a thriving ministry which will have a deep impact on the many blended families in our church and community."

"As a parachurch ministry, this Summit provides us resources to help blended families and the encouragement that our teams require to really understand the needs of blended families."